Employer Services
Serving the Needs of Employers in Putnam County
Searching Resumes / Pre-Screening Services
You may search resumes directly on OhioMeansJobs.com or work with a Job Coach at OhioMeansJobs – Putnam County who will follow up on your job order, work with you on improving recruiting efforts and help you navigate through all of the available services. We will help you find candidates with the skills you need to better build your business.
Private Interview Rooms
To reduce walk-in traffic at your business location, use one of our conference rooms for off-site screening and interviewing.
Outplacement Assistance
If your business is planning a lay-off or plant closing, we can help with a variety of outplacement services for your workforce.
Labor Market Information
Use our Labor Market Information, such as industry trends, prevailing wage rates, occupational information and employment statistics to help your plans for expansion, re-organization and development of new business.
O*Net OnLine
O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!
Contact Us - (419) 538-4580